Contact Us

Email us at [email protected]
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Email Mobility Camp Visit us on the Playa, In Center Camp next to Playa Info.


4 Replies to “Contact Us”

  1. Are you a 501-C3 non-profit? If so please sent your ID number so that I can contribute.

    Thank you,


  2. Sorry, no not yet. But all of the Crowdfunding sites exclude us because “You function like a 501c3”. Rat Lady

  3. Hello Friends,

    First, a big thanks for the services that you provide

    I have a friend who i am going to Burning Man and he can’t get deep into the Playa on his own because both knees have been replaced and they swell up. I wanted to know if you have electric cars that can be used for a day? It would make a world of difference for his BM experience.

  4. Sorry, no, we do not have electric equipment to loan out. But we do have our “Shiney” Playa tours that go out into the Playa, the Man, the Temple and as much Art as we can see in 2 hours! Stop by our Camp when you get on Playa to sign up! We will be in Center Camp, right at the corner of Center Camp and “B” around 7:00 on the Center Camp Clock.

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